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Atlantic Crossing, Tenerife to Barbados and Christmas in St Lucia 2024 – Leg 2

Ocean Crossings

Santa Cruz, Tenerife - Soufrière, Saint Lucia,

Join Blue Clipper in Santa Cruz, Tenerife on 17th November 2024 for an unforgettable 41 day ocean crossing from The Canaries to Barbados and then continue your journey spending Christmas at sea arriving in St Lucia on the 27th December 2024. Crossing an ocean under traditional sail is far from easy, but one of those bucket list experiences you just need to complete.  Ocean passages can bring conditions fit for only the boldest adventurers seeking the ultimate challenge.  The voyage aboard this beautiful schooner will end in the beautiful island of St Lucia after stopping off for a few days in Bridgetown, Barbados.  This voyage may arrive a few days earlier in the Caribbean, depending on the speed of the crossing, the voyage ends in St Lucia on 27th December.

Ship Per Person Twin En-Suite
Blue Clipper £6,835.00
Embarkation Disembarkation Nights In Port
November 17, 2024 December 27, 2024 40 3
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Atlantic Crossing - Santa Cruz, Tenerife to St Lucia

17th November 2024 - 27th December 2024

Voyage Highlights

  • Crossing the Atlantic on board a traditional rigged Tall Ship
  • Escape the rat race, technology and smart phones
  • Christmas in the Caribbean
  • Meet like-minded people
  • Star-filled nights
  • Amazing sunrises and sunsets
  • learn Celestial Navigation
  • hands on classic sailing adventure
  • rhythm of ocean sailing

Life on a sailing voyage

On a sailing voyage we never use the word itinerary, as skippers will always be aiming for the best sailing and shore landings for the forecast and most idyllic or sheltered anchors and ports. They are as keen as you to include some of the highlights describe, but you have to go with Mother Nature, not fight her. The description below is based on what we think might be possible, based on past trips, or experience, but nothing is guaranteed on a sailing voyage. If the following voyage description is not fulfilled for any reason, Maybe Sailing and Maybe Sailing Youth Initiative cannot be held responsible.

Fulfill your dream voyage

Have you ever dreamed of quitting your day job, buying a yacht and travelling the world’s oceans? While you might not be quite ready to ditch everything for this dream just yet, how about spending a month at sea travelling between Portugal and the Caribbean? On board Blue Clipper we are offering you that exact opportunity. Set sail on this magnificent tall ship, learn how to steer, how to understand the waves and swell and how it’s affected by the weather hundreds of miles away. Ditch your smart phone and all the distractions that come with it and replace it with the open water, it’s weird and wonderful wildlife and an adventure of a lifetime.

This epic crossing will be a challenge for all, as you sail across the Atlantic.
Learn all about sailing a tall ship, work in a watch system, help to navigate the ocean, climb the rigging, mend a sail and get into the rhythm of ocean sailing. A great voyage for the career sailor too with plenty of miles, warm weather and seamanship skills to be learnt on deck and aloft.

You really don’t need any sailing experience as the professional and experienced crew will run through everything from safety drills to how to pull ropes efficiently, find the right halliard or steer the 144ft schooner. You don’t even have to be super strong just bags of enthusiasm to sail a traditional commercially coded ocean voyager.
Crew members alerting everyone that a pod of dolphins are playing along the side of the ship! Grab that camera and get on deck!

Crossing an ocean under sail is sure to be a dream for many. It is a voyage of discovery. Not only will you discover everything you need to know about sailing a traditional schooner….you will discover a great deal about yourself.
The rhythm of the ocean will determine life on board. You establish a routine that is relaxing and comfortable but keeps you occupied. Sailing at night with absolutely no light pollution makes the night sky brilliant. Experience all the seas moods from glassy calms to white capped swells launching flying fish from crest to crest.

This ocean passage is ideal for the ambitious sailor, world traveller or determined romantic. Some people love the physical challenge of being hands on crew, others muck in but their real passion might be ocean bird spotting or just finding time for themselves.

This voyage is combined with our Caribbean Christmas voyage from Barbados to St Lucia, staying on board (B&B) during 3 days in Barbados before setting sail for St Lucia.



Blue Clipper sails 24 hours a day.

To enable the ship to operate safely and efficiently a three watch system is run at all times. We have Red, White and Blue watch. Watches are usually four hours long. The afternoon watch is split in two to enable a complete rotation of watches every three days. Please see below for an example watch system:

  • 0000 – 0400 Red Watch
  • 0400 – 0800 White Watch
  • 0800 – 1200 Blue Watch
  • 1200 – 1600 Red Watch
  • 1600 – 1800 White Watch
  • 1800 – 2000 Blue Watch
  • 2000 – 0000 Red Watch

When on watch, it is the responsibility of the watch leader and their team to handle the safe navigation of the ship, adjust sails and keep a lookout for any hazards. Guests  have a chance to learn all aspects of traditional sailing from our wonderful deck crew; having a chance to steer the ship, complete the log book entries, plot our course on the chart, climb the rigging, and experience amazing starry skies during a night watch at sea!


All meals are included in the voyage cost.



Skills that you will learn on board:

Knowledge of sea terms and parts of the boat, her rigging and sails.
Sufficient knowledge to understand orders concerning the sailing and day to day running of the boat.

Sail handling
Bending on, setting, reefing and handling of sails. Use of sheets and halyards and their associated winches.

Handling ropes, including coiling, stowing, securing to cleats and single and double bollards. Handling warps. Ability to tie the following knots and know their correct use: figure of eight, clove hitch, rolling hitch, bowline, round turn and two half hitches, single and double sheet bend, reef knot.

Fire precautions and fighting.
Awareness of the hazards of fire and the precautions necessary to prevent fire. Knowledge of the action taken in the event of fire.

Personal safety equipment
Understands and complies with the rules for wearing of safety harnesses, lifejackets and personal buoyancy aids.

Man overboard
Understands the action to be taken to recover a man overboard.

Emergency equipment
Can operate distress flares and knows how they should be used. Understands how to launch and board a liferaft.

Manners and customs
Understands the accepted practice with regard to: use of burgees and ensigns, prevention of unnecessary noise or disturbance in harbour including courtesies to other craft berthed alongside. Aware of the responsibility of yacht skippers to protect the environment.

Rules of the Road
Is able to keep an efficient lookout at sea.

Understands and complies with loading rules. Is able to handle a dinghy under oars.

Awareness of forecasting and the Beaufort Scale.

Working efficiency unaffected/ partially affected / severely affected by seasickness (delete as applicable).

Helmsmanship and Sailing.
Understands the basic principles of sailing and can steer and trim sails on all points of sailing. Can steer a compass course, under sail and motor.

General duties
Has carried out general duties satisfactorily on deck and below decks in connection with the daily routine of the vessel.

What is included in the voyage cost:

  • All meals on board Blue Clipper – including daily breakfast, lunch and evening meal
  • Refreshments throughout the day
  • Use of safety equipment
  • Accommodation in a twin en suite cabin
  • All instruction and lectures on board by fully qualified crew

What is not included:

  • Travel to and from the boat
  • Personal travel insurance. Check out Top Sail for specialist Tall Ship sailing travel insurance
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks
  • Any shore excursions and meals on shore (unless otherwise stated)
  • VISA fees

Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Soufrière, Saint Lucia,

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